Keep Up With Sarah Palin's War on Wildlife with

The Defenders of Wildlife Action Fund has launched a new website to track Sarah Palin and her seemingly unending tirade against wolves and other wildlife.

The website, accompanied by a new advertisement starring Ashley Judd [below], will feature a tracker of headlines regarding Palin’s treatment of wildlife in Alaska. For instance, the discussion right now is focused on her willingness to ANWR to drilling.

“Sarah Palin isn’t fading into the background, so neither are we,” commented Defenders Action Fund President Rodger Schlickeisen. “Given her known political aspirations, the American public deserves to know what she’s doing in Alaska, and about her extreme anti-conservation policies.  The list is long, and we will document it all, from her continued promotion of the aerial slaughter of wolves and bears, to her lawsuit to remove the polar bear from the endangered species list, even as the sea ice melts beneath it.”


5 thoughts on “Keep Up With Sarah Palin's War on Wildlife with”

  1. u know i think that this is a disgrace to our human race. she is getting rid of these animals that deserve to live just like anything else. why r they killing animals that our children and our childrens childen will only see in books. they should have the same privaledge that we have grown up with and that is to see these animals alive!to me this is no more than slaughter for money of innocent animals. it makes me sick to my stomach matter of fact it did when i watched the video. i live in oklahoma and there are wolves here. i have seen then up close and personal. one of them had a skunk in it mouth and stop in front of me and waited on its mate to catch up and there where baby calves everywhere in this pasture. there is not a problem with them staying around the cattle. these wolves are not hurting nothing here and as far as i know no where else either. theses animals mate for life. they have more compassion than humans. please i beg of u this has got to stop. let her come here and kill some of our animals. here in okla we hold our animals sacered alot of them are from our indian heritage.the wolf is one the the most animals that leads us in our in our life. im getting so mad i have to stop now. i just wanted to let ya’ll know how i feel and most of the people here in oklahoma does to. thanks for what ya’ll r doing and calling attention to this disgrace!
    sandy george 580-317-7905 402 se 2nd st. Fort Towson Okla. 74735

  2. We all learned that Sarah Palin has the mental capacity of a caveman or woman during her campaign. This kind of savagery is inline with a primitive mindset.

  3. The video did not bother to educate the population on the rationale for killing the wolves. It helps to protect the moose and caribou. The wolves devour these creatures as a food supply. People, yes actual people can then hunt them and use for a food supply to feed their family. Bet those depending on food stamps aren’t out doing any hunting.

  4. Cameron Mitchell

    It is ironic to think that someone who is so pro life if human, even in the case of rape, is so pro death if not human.

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