Join the Circle — Circle of Healing & Ecological Responsibility, Circle of Love

dancing circle of love

In many cultures — for example, in our American Indian cultures — a circle is used to heal the community, to connect the community. Also, in many American Indian cultures, nature is the healer. This is not particular to Cherokee or Lakota, as we will see on November 6 when Bill McKibben and others hope to use such a healing circle to remind Obama of his promise: “We must be the generation that ends the tyranny of oil.”

The Nov 6 circle has the hope of bringing forth empowerment to common sense, to the ecologically responsible, to the parentally caring and aware folks working and pleading at this point that our futures and our children’s futures are not shorted or tarnished or starved by destruction.

Their non-violent legal circle is a way of saying, “STOP NOW,” leave behind this legacy of tar sands that has already left an unsightly sludge in Canada, and robbed or affected the ecosystems and, thus, the harmonious way of life in natives in the northern zones. Due to the pitiful effects of tar sands development, life has been destroyed. Do not bring more destruction to our continent, our country. This is the hope of the circle that will legally and peacefully surround the White House on Nov 6.

Be Part of the Circle. Circle the White House.

Or, if you can’t make it, at least be a part of the effort online.

Peaceful Empowerment

As a way to express opposition, civil disobedience is non-violent, quietly strong, and uses numbers and bodies to stop something that is considered hurtful and wrong, skewed, and lacking a holistic or clear vision.

Quite a beautiful connection of young and old Walden-Pond-appreciating folks will be circling the White House, a sense of gentle persuasion — phase two of the Tar Sands Movement. No one should be arrested, as McKibben points out. “It will be a powerful demonstration and a symbol of hope, as well as a strong reminder that the White House belongs to the people, not Big Oil.”

Accountability to the people, accountability to his promise will be encouraged morally, ethically, and educationally. It will be evoked and demanded by this circle of life. If you want to be part of this rebirth of activism in America today — to remind Obama that he should be protecting life, not aiding greed and social ecological irresponsibility of oil empires — please trek to Washington and join the circle on Nov 6 or sign up to help out online.

Image Credit: AttributionNoncommercial Some rights reserved by spapax

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