Japan’s Emperor, in his first public appearance since Japan was struck by the 9.0 magnitude earthquake and tsunami, stated that he was “deeply concerned” about the nuclear energy situation there and said, “I am deeply hurt by the grievous situation in the affected areas.”
Over 10,000 people may have died in this horrible catastrophe and the problems haven’t stopped yet.
“I hope from the bottom of my heart that the people will, hand in hand, treat each other with compassion and overcome these difficult times,” Akihito very compassionately and respectfully said.
Akihito’s father, Hirohito, had to renounce his divine status after World War II, but Akihito has come to be widely respected in Japan and elsewhere since that time.
“The imperial household agency said in a statement that the couple wanted to visit the area hit by the tsunami but felt that the focus should remain on the rescue operation for the time being,” the Guardian reports.
Read more on Akihito’s response here: Japan’s emperor expresses fears over nuclear situation
Photo Credit: Official U.S. Marine Corps Photo by Sgt. Juan D. Alfonso