iMatter Marches around the World Coming ("largest-ever mobilization of young people against climate change")

International youth marches organized by iMatter Movement and Mother’s Day Marches this coming week “will mobilize the largest number of youth ever to demand concrete actions against climate change,” according to a news release I received yesterday on a matter I’ve been long awaiting.

imatter mother's day marches for climate change

“Young people will be affected most by decisions that are made today and yet we can’t vote, and we don’t have money to compete with lobbyists,” said Alec Loorz, the 16-year-old founder of iMatter, who has been tirelessly working on the issue of climate change and global sustainability for the past three years. “We do, however, have the moral authority and the legal right to insist that our future be protected.”

Youth completely fed up with our governments’ inaction on this critical topic are organizing like never before. They are also bringing the matter to the courts. Legal action and strong, grassroots direct action are tow of the only options we have left for addressing climate change before it addresses us. “Youth leaders across the globe are preparing to march in the streets and appeal to the courts in a series of soon-to-be-filed legal and administrative actions against the 50 states and federal government.”

Here’s a little more detail on the upcoming marches:

WHAT: Youth-led marches to urge government action to reduce our fossil fuel emissions and halt climate change

WHEN: May 7 – 14. Full listings available at

WHERE: Marches will be held across the country, organized by local youth.

Get out there. Get involved. March.

And here’s a little more info on what the marches and legal action are for, specifically:

Both the marches and the lawsuits are focused on getting governments to stop caving into the demands of oil and coal lobbyists and to create “climate recovery plans.” These plans, based on the best science, will establish peak global carbon dioxide emissions by 2012, reduce carbon dioxide emissions on a global scale by at least 6 percent every year and commit to widespread global reforestation.

Get out there. Get involved. March.

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Image via iMatter March

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