Huge Anti-Corruption Law Passed in Brazil — Can We Have it in the US?

Anti-corruption legislation passed in Brazil.

I recently got word from Avaaz, a major worldwide activist community I’m a part of, that some huge anti-corruption legislation was passed in Brazil.

The new Brazilian law prohibits anyone convicted of serious crimes from running for office. (I think we’ve got more than a few politicians in Congress who wouldn’t be there today if we had such a law in the US.)

Avaaz said: “It was a stunning victory as nearly 25% of the Congress is under investigation for criminal activities.

The law will be applicable during this year’s October elections. Unfortunately, though, anyone convicted before June 4 of this year can still run for election — the law will have a stronger effect further on down the road.

Activism Works in Brazil

“When more than 1.6 million signatures arrived on the doorstep of Congress in September last year, endorsed by the Movement Against Electoral Corruption (MCCE), Law 9840 predictably met with stern resistance in government, as it presented a clear threat to many in office. Initially the act was pushed aside, but in an election year heightened public pressure ensured that the law was moved rapidly through,” The Rio Times reports.

Avaaz announced that this was the biggest online campaign in Brazil’s history. The Avaaz community, which launched in January 2007, already has 5.6 million members. Its campaigning was likely an important part of that legislative win.

If you’re not a part of this online community yet, I’d recommend getting on board now.

For more on the history of this new anti-corruption law, read the piece by The Rio Times. Would be nice to get something like it in the US.

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Photo Credit: Thomás via flickr

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