Asia Pulp and Paper (APP), the same company Greenpeace influenced Mattel to stop working with, has been destroying Indonesian rainforests to make Paseo-brand tissue products. These tissues are in many major supermarket chains and as Greenpeace points out, “Paseo products have no recycled content — they’re made of 100% virgin tree fiber. Worse, those trees come from pulpwood plantations that are eating into Indonesia’s rainforests and destroying the last Sumatran tiger habitat.”
Worse still, APP refers to the brand as “fully sustainable” (hence the cartoon) and “100% made in the USA”.
Great marketing, fellas!
To help Greenpeace help the rainforests you can sign a petition to tell stores to stop selling the “fastest growing bath tissue brand.” You can also become a rainforest activist by taking the Paradise Forests Defenders Pledge.
Joe’s cartoon archive, twitter ramblings and StumbleUpon page…