Hot and Water Matters Giveaway Winners Chosen

We announced an opportunity to win two great books, Hot: Living Through the Next Fifty Years on Earth and Water Matters: Why We Need to Act Now to Save Our Most Critical Resource one month ago today. A number of dedicated greenies and interested people entered the contest and commented on the article telling us what their favorite green actions are. Unfortunately, there could only be two winners. I just chose them using and emailed the winners and publishers. The winners were “Renee” and “Fred Millar.”

If you didn’t win this time, stay tuned, we’re looking to do more giveaways soon and may even make it a regular thing.

Also, if you didn’t win the books, consider buying them. They are excellent resources on two of the most critical topics of the 21st century, if not THE most critical topics: climate change and water. How we are going to deal with these issues (or not deal with them) will have tremendous consequences on the lives of billions of people — their quality of life, the economy, and livability itself.

Have you read either of these books? Or think you will soon? Let us know and we’d be happy to have you write a review or two on them for our other readers.

Lastly, if you haven’t been following this, the author of Hot, Mark Hertsgaard, has been working with a number of leading environmental organizations and major media outlets to push ‘climate cranks’ and improve coverage of climate change in the U.S. media lately. I’ve covered the action in a number of posts and you can catch up on the story by reading these and watching the accompanying videos:

  1. HOT Author Mark Hertsgaard & Others Interrogating Climate Cranks this Week [VIDEO]
  2. Hertsgaard Nails Inhofe, Oil Lobbyists [Amazing Video Interviews]
  3. Is Climate Change the GOP Galileo Moment?
  4. Climate Denial Right Wing Noise Machine Goes After Mark Hertsgaard, Hertsagaard Responds

It is the responsibility of each us to get the word out and improve education around this matter so the fossil fuel industry and the politicians they buy cannot hijack our future and that of our children any longer. Share the word!

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