Hollywood Stars — Ethan Hawke, Zoe Saldana, Amy Ryan, Nadia Dajani, Mark Ruffalo, & More — Fighting Hydraulic Fracking {VIDEO}

Mark Ruffalo is probably the most outspoken Hollywood star opposing hydraulic fracturing (aka fracking) for natural gas. But he has gotten quite a few big name Hollywood stars on his side and fighting it now, including Ethan Hawke, Zoe Saldana, Amy Ryan, Nadia Dajani, and Josh Charles.

Ruffalo recently wrote a post on this topic and helped create a video on it. The video is above. The intro to his piece is as follows:

As a New Yorker who moved to the quiet countryside upstate a few years ago with my wife and three young children, I’ve been worried about fracking ever since I learned the word and heard this dangerous technology could be coming to town.

Where this risky gas drilling practice is already happening around the country – including right next door in Pennsylvania — we’ve seen grave consequences unfold: from drinking water contaminated with toxic chemicals and radioactive waste, to residents reportedly getting sick, livestock dropping dead, homes exploding, and property values tanking.

If that sounds like something straight out of an episode of CSI: Crime Scene Investigation — well, it is. But it’s also a true story we’ve heard over and over again, nationwide.

Read the full piece here: Video: Join My Friends in the Call to Keep New York Tap Water Safe from Fracking.

Take Action to Stop New York Fracking

But, in case you don’t click over, before I leave you, here’s his plea to take action:

The chorus of voices calling for Governor Cuomo to get it right is getting louder. Advocates like the groups behind Clean Water NOT Dirty Drilling(Catskill Mountainkeeper, Citizens Campaign for the Environment, Earthjustice, EARTHWORKS, Environmental Advocates of New York, Natural Resources Defense Council, and Riverkeeper) who helped put this video together are working every day to make sure people in New York and across the country know the risks from fracking. It’s not too late for you to join in.

My family moved to our quiet farming town on the Delaware River so we could enjoy a simple, healthy life outside of the bustling city. We want to enjoy that peace down the road, and know that the tap water we drink, and bathe our children in, is safe.

We’re counting on Governor Cuomo to protect us — and all New Yorkers who love their safe drinking water.

Take action: Send a letter to the Governor urging him to protect New York’s drinking water here.

Pass it on: Make a donation to help get this ad on the air here. And share this video with your friends who love their water on Facebook and Twitter.

Related Stories on Planetsave:

  1. Video: My Water’s On Fire Tonight (The Fracking Song)
  2. In First, Scientific Study Links ‘Fracking’ to Flammable Water
  3. Gov Study Confirms Toxic Chemicals Pumped into Wells During ‘Fracking’
  4. Arkansas Earthquakes Linked to Fracking? Two Gas Disposal Sites Suspended
  5. Arkansas Earthquakes Related to Hydraulic Fracking? (& Mass Bird & Fish Deaths?)

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