Today is Greenpeace’s 40th birthday. Kumi Naidoo, executive director of Greenpeace International, wrote the email below on the matter. Greenpeace has accomplished a ton in the last 4 decades, but we are facing bigger challenges than ever today and we need the organization more than ever. Check out this letter from Kumi and get involved:
by Kumi Naidoo
Dear friends,
In 1971, a small group of activists set sail from Vancouver Canada to bear witness to US underground nuclear testing. Armed with little more than a belief in the power of individuals, their actions marked the birth of Greenpeace.
Today marks the 40th anniversary of Greenpeace. It is a milestone occasion, which would never have been possible without the unwavering support of millions of people worldwide who share our vision of a green and peaceful future. People like you.
Thank you so much.
We have shared so many positive victories together over these 40 years. Yet today we continue to face critical issues that threaten the health and safety of our planet. We have seen over the last few years a range of crises converging and we must call upon those with a basic moral conscience to say enough is enough. The environmental injustice that we see cannot go on. We need to work together, now more than ever.
Earlier this year, I took a simple non violent direct action for our planet’s future. I climbed on board an oil rig in the Arctic, off the coast of Greenland, to demand the company share its secret oil spill response plan. As with others before me, I was arrested and imprisoned, but did not give up. Neither did you. And thanks to your pressure, we got that oil plan, and have exposed it for the sham it is.
Join us in celebrating our anniversary through personal action. Here’s how:
1. Our ship, the Arctic Sunrise, is at the edge of the receding sea ice, bearing witness to the effects of climate change on that fragile ecosystem. Join them in calling for a greener future by signing this petition against Arctic oil drilling. Every voice counts.
2. We don’t accept money from governments or politicians because we don’t want to owe them anything. We want to owe you everything, a greener and more peaceful future. Help us continue to be effective and independent by giving what you can.
3. There are not enough people like you. To succeed on the big issues of today, we need to be a bigger community. Forward this email to give other people the chance to join us.
The future of our planet rests with each and every one of us. As Mahatma Gandhi once said, “We need to be the change we wish to see in the world.”
The world needs you.
PS : Remember how I said we don’t take money from corporations or governments. There’s a reason for that. It’s because we know that sometime our role is to challenge them, even to make them angry or uncomfortable. Here’s a video some fans at one company made showing the kind of impact we can have together. But please note, it contains strong language.
Interested in volunteering?
Greenpeace International
Image Credit: Some rights reserved by Elevate Festival