LEGO is awesome. Kids and adults have been using the iconic interlocking plastic building blocks to learn and create and entertain themselves for decades, and it’s hard to find anything not to like about LEGO.
Except when it comes to greenwashing the image of one of the planet’s corporate parasites, Shell, which is working to make a profit by endangering one of the last pristine places on Earth, the fragile habitat of the Arctic.
By drilling for oil in the Arctic, Shell’s giant oil rigs are putting the lives of the wild species that live there at risk for one of this century’s most iconic (yet avoidable) disasters: oil spills.
LEGO has been selling Shell-branded versions of its bricks and sets to children, essentially acting as a source of propaganda for this unethical oil company, which is polluting the unspoiled wilderness of kids’ minds with these misleading toys.
Because of this, Greenpeace is calling for LEGO to cut its ties with Shell, and has released this short video on YouTube to help boost the campaign:
[Update: YouTube has suspended the original video, after 3 million views, claiming copyright infringement, so Greenpeace has uploaded it to Vimeo.]
If this trend of toymakers partnering with fossil fuel companies to green up their image isn’t OK with you, stand with Greenpeace in telling LEGO to end its partnership with Shell.
deleted! please store videos!
Love this video- very effective in getting the message out!
We all need to do our part,