On the heals of a momentous new study on the true cost of coal released by leading Harvard economist Dr. Paul Epstein, Greenpeace engaged in some trademark direct action in Bridgeport, Connecticut this morning. Greenpeace activists climbed an old coal power plant there and hung a banner (above) reading “Shut It Down: Quit Coal.”
Six schools are within one mile of this power plant, which was opened in 1968 and emits one million tons of CO2 a year!
The Bridgeport Harbor Generating Station is clearly harming the health of local schoolchildren and residents as well as our climate as a whole and the world that relies on it.
Public Service Enterprise Group, the owner of this coal power plant, “should protect public health and stop allowing the toxic plant to continue operating against the wishes of the people of Bridgeport,” Greenpeace writes.
Greenpeace’s ship, the Arctic Sunrise, is currently sailing up the East Coast on its Coal Free Future Tour. Greenpeace reports: “Nationwide, pollution from coal is responsible for more than 13,000 deaths per year – one person every forty minutes.” Chilling.
There’s a high price to pay for cheap energy.
Help Greenpeace Help You
In addition to this direct action in Connecticut, Greenpeace also just launched a petition to share the news of Dr. Epstein’s new study with all of our elected officials in Washington. Greenpeace writes:
“In less than 4 hours, we have had over 10,500 people sign up on our True Cost of Coal Action that will ensure our elected officials in Washington, DC know that dirty coal is costing the American people up to an astounding $500,000,000,000 extra every year.”
If you haven’t signed the True Cost of Coal petition yet, sign it now. And share it with friends, on twitter, facebook, email, etc.
Photo Credit: Greenpeace USA 2011