Here’s our latest roundup of green living, green activism, and clean energy news. Enjoy these great stories from around the internet.
Green Living Tips
Want to know how to clean your house in an eco-friendly way? Vera Mosley over at sustainablog has a few good tips in her recent post, “Eco Cleaning Your Home: Essential Tips That Can Also Keep Your Children Safe.” Check that out to make sure you are cleaning your house in an eco-friendly way that is also safe for your children.
Ok, yeah, by now everyone has heard of organic food, but have you heard of organic swimming pools? A very cool story (with pics) over on the CalFinder Remodeling blog this week looks at eco-friendly or “organic” swimming pools, which are apparently growing in popularity (and for good reason).
Golf courses are one of my development or land use pet peeves, because they are generally horrible for the environment and yet often get counted as “green spaces” by municipalities. Apparently, some are now trying to be a bit “greener” (environmentally speaking) and Obama recently went golfing on what is supposed to be “the only completely organic golf course in the United States.” Jeff McIntire-Strasburg over at the Sundance Channel’s SUNfiltered blog discusses some of the environmental issues of golf courses and asks if this organic golf course is really green, or if it is greenwashing.
Clean Tech News
Want to read some positive U.S. news? If so, head on over to the CalFinder Solar blog and read an uplifting story on a new Illinois law that will create 5,000 new solar energy jobs and help the state and its utilities meet their renewable energy targets. Nice stuff!
Green Activism News
To start off the activism news, the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) highlighted the great global activism that built up around a proposed coal-fired power plant in Scotland last week. “The proposal is the only live application for new coal-fired power station in the UK. Although the developers claim it is a clean-coal development, in reality 80 per cent of emissions would go straight into the atmosphere adding to global climate change,” WWF wrote. Nearly 10,000 people from 100 countries came together to oppose the power plant.
On the other side of the Atlantic, Becky Striepe, writing over on greenUPGRADER, highlighted the depressing news that the EPA recently issued another mountaintop removal coal mining permit in the Appalachian Mountains and directed us to a petition hosted by the Rainforest Action Network (RAN) to tell the EPA that we are disappointed with this action and don’t want to see anymore of the Appalachian Mountains destroyed by mountaintop removal. Go sign the petition TODAY here.
Royal Prince Charles gone activist is too sweet a story to skip. Bonnie Alter of TreeHugger reported recently that Prince Charles is going on tour to promote sustainable living! This is actually not a big surprise, since Prince Charles has been a strong proponent of sustainable development for awhile, but great to see him doing this! “In his travels he will be visiting projects around the country where ordinary people are making a difference by installing solar panels, planting trees and growing vegetables. It is part of HRH Start project, which promotes a more sustainable lifestyle,” Bonnie reported.
We wrote on the largest state in India banning plastic bags recently. Now, the richest Hindu temple in the world (with around 60,000 visitors a day) is taking it a step further. Matthew McDermott, also writing on TreeHugger, reported (a little over a week ago, I must admit) that ALL plastic will be banned from it soon. The state government of Andhra Pradesh is actually the governing body that decided on the ban. Cool move, Andhra Pradesh!
That’s it for our green living, clean energy, and green activism roundup this week. I’m not sure yet if we will get a roundup out next weekend, since I will be on vacation. But perhaps someone else will be interested in picking up this job.
Photo Credits: The White House via Flickr; bionovanaturalpools; National Memorial for the Mountains via flickr; the Prince of Wales
New age is upon us! We must give up much! Green living the key to a happy life! Grow a garden! Dry the food! Reduce your body fats! Stop eating meat! China prospers on mainly veggies and rice! Asian diets abound! Western world’s ways are to blame for world’s greatest ills! Mother Theresa had it right!She ate little, did much! New – age slobs in America will die early of heart failure, cholesterol clogging! Expect a next generation America if little, yellow, fast minded, folk! Few whites fewer dark skins! No more bigger bodies – all dead from cholesterol and heart aliments! Trains will rule the day! No more cars! All gone to the planned obsolescence junk-yards! In a single death wrenching paradigm shift America is cleansed!