Governments Urged to Settle on Key Aviation Climate Package

Ahead of the approaching International Civil Aviation Organization Assembly scheduled for September, the organization has launched a new regional outreach + education session series with the intent of building consensus on the issue of a global climate agreement for air transport, according to a new press release.

The new series of regional events — dubbed “global aviation dialogues” (GLADs) — are a key part of the International Civil Aviation Organization’s (ICAO) efforts to create the foundation for successful talks in September, reportedly.


As it stands, the aviation industry — as represented by the Air Transport Action Group (ATAG) — has been arguing for “a market-based measure in the form of a mandatory global offsetting scheme.”

Michael Gill, the ATAG Executive Director, commented: “In 2009, the aviation sector became one of the first to develop a global climate framework, based on three goals and underpinned by four pillars of climate action.”

“The development of a global carbon offsetting scheme for aviation is crucial if aviation is to meet its climate obligations, whilst also continuing to meet the economic and connectivity growth desired by many countries around the world. The successful Paris Agreement on climate change provided positive momentum for discussions at ICAO, which already has its own mandate and well-established programme for addressing aviation and climate change.”

“This is the first time any sector has attempted a global market-based measure and the industry firmly supports the ICAO discussions. We urge all governments to come together, find solutions to the remaining negotiating points and look forward to a positive outcome at the ICAO Assembly in September. A global carbon offsetting scheme is a key element of a comprehensive package of measures to address aviation’s climate impact.”

In anticipation of the GLADs the ICAO Secretariat recently published a draft proposal for the design of a global market-based measure. Gill commented on that as well: “The draft proposal delivers much-needed impetus to the discussions. Although negotiations between governments will continue over the details of the agreement, this draft is a significant and welcome step. We urge governments to keep in mind the principles of simplicity, environmental integrity, cost-effectiveness and the need to avoid market distortion as they shape the agreement. Whilst we understand the political sensitivities of these talks, the industry would like to see an agreement with broad coverage of aviation emissions.”

Gill also made note of the recent CO2 Standard for new aircraft, putting up the agreement as an example of what happens when discussions go well.

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