Two Degrees is a purposeful company that donates free meals to hungry children using the income they make selling health food bars at stores like Whole Foods. Almost 20 million children around the world are suffering from Severe Acute Malnutrition, according to the World Health Organization. You can also purchase their vegan, gluten-free bars on their site. Below is an interview with them.
1. How can you afford to buy a meal for a hungry child after a purchase of one of your food bars?
We work with leading nonprofits around the world that create meals locally and, amazingly, the price of meals through these partners are all under $1, and vary between our partner and where they work.
2. How did you establish relationships with your partners abroad to deliver Ready-to-Use Foods (RUF) to starving children?
RUTF is just one type of meal that we donate– we also donate meals in the US through food banks, in India we give hot lentil and chickpea based meals and others as well through other partners. We choose partners that make meals locally using local ingredients and labor. We choose partners that have a successful track record and are well known in the ngo world for their work in delivering successful, sustainable aid around the world.
3. How many meals have you donated so far?
Over 1,000,000 to date!
4. How many do you intend to deliver, or is there such a goal?
As many as we can…or until childhood hunger has been eradicated. We joke that our mission is to go out of business — that we’ll happily close our doors if we can solve this problem. There are some 200 million hungry children around the world, so we have a long way to go.
5. What areas do you target for meal delivery and why?
We rely on our nonprofit partners to help us deliver meals to the children who need them most– currently we work in India, US, Malawi, Haiti, Colombia, Myanmar and have also made donations in Kenya, and Somalia.
6. How did you choose the ingredients for your food bars?
Our chef, Barr Hogan, who is the former product developer for Odwalla developed our bars to be healthy and delicious. She is amazing.
7. Where are your food bars made?
Image Credit: Two Degrees