GE Received 1,000 MW of Wind Turbine Orders Following PTC Decision

Following the decision of the United States government to renew the production tax credit (PTC) for wind power on January 1, 2013, General Electric received 1 GW of US wind turbine orders.

GE announces new brilliant wind turbine
Wind turbine courtesy of GE.

This event created a large backlog of orders, which is a good sign because GE has plenty of orders to fill for a while. More orders = more money! When these orders are filled and the turbines installed, they will provide the electricity grid with an additional 1,000 MW of electricity generation capacity.

This is equivalent to removing 1 million cars from the road, and is enough to power 330,000 homes.

“We’ve had incredible response from customers following the introduction of our brilliant wind turbine platform and game-changing short-term energy storage capabilities,” said Anne McEntee, vice president of GE’s renewable energy business. “I’m thrilled to be joining the wind industry and look forward to driving GE’s technology leadership further in this space.”

GE also announced the release of their second “brilliant” wind turbine. It is a 1/7-100 metre wind turbine that generates 6% more electricity than its predecessor, and offers better performance at low-wind sites.

The “brilliant” wind turbines use integrated short-term energy storage to improve predictability and reduce variability. It also communicates with neighbouring wind turbines to ensure they all work in tandem to provide the best performance.

Energy storage provides the ability to switch a perfectly stable power supply on or off without any unexpected interruptions, and for a fixed time period. This enables GE wind farms to provide power on demand whenever necessary, but for a short time period (hence the description, “short-term energy storage“).

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