The first two sea lions were captured today in the joint Oregon and Washintgon sea lion killing program, with one being euthenized shortly after capture. The sea lions are being targeted because they eat salmon.
The animal was given a health exam when a veterenarian noticed a potentially contagious wound and decided to euthanize the it. Some captured animals may be placed in zoos or aquariums, but since very few such vacancies exist, many of the sea lions will be killed.
While fishermen take 12 percent of the endangered salmon run each year, it’s estimated that sea lions only eat between .4 and 4.2 percent. Media inquiries as to why commercial fishermen haven’t been forced to cut their take have essentially gone unanswered.
The Oregon and Washington Fish & Game Departments have also made it clear that the media is not welcome in the trapping areas, giving safety concerns as an excuse. Despite this, activists are attempting to document any sea lion kills by organizing a coastal watch.
If you live near the Bonneville Dam, you can contact In Defense of Animals at 503-249-9996 or the Sea Lion Defense Brigade at [email protected] to join the coordinated effort to document the killing for the public to see.
Oddly, while their Norther neighbors spend money to kill the same animals, California is offering a $2,500 reward for anyone who has information that leads to the conviction of those responsible for the shooting of five sea lions.
Photo Credit: mikebaird on Flickr under Creative Commons license.
Thanks for your response.
Stellar and California sea lions have inhabited the Pacific coast area for thousands of years, but were not seen moving up the Columbia River in significant numbers until the 1980s. They now live in the mouth of the Columbia river year-round, but have gradually moved up the river, appearing at and above the Bonneville dam only in recent years as their population has begun to exceed the natural carrying capacity of the coastal environment.
nice post… and the plight of sea lions is just so sad!
As far as I know, sea lions have inhabited that area for thousands of years. I don’t know how they define native, but I believe they are.
Sounds like the Canadian Seal Slaughter.
The Fishermen who club baby seals for a little extra pocket cash claim the same thing: that the seals are eating THEIR fish.
The Japanese say the whales are eating THEIR fish.
Seems the fish don’t belong to anybody but greedy fishermen who think they own the creatures of the sea; no matter they are in the world.
Why can’t the public contact someone in OR. & WA. to STOP this sea lion slaughter! Surely industrial pollution and other other factors (such as pesticides and fertilizers from farming) bear more fault RE: the “decline in wild salmon’?! Perhaps the wild salmon have declined due to too much commercial fishing? I thought only Native Americans retained the ‘right’ to fish for wild salmon.
First off i would like to thank fellow marine life and ocean conservation crusaders for doing their part in bringing awareness to the people. Many people are not aware of many of these attrocities that continue in certain places around the world still today in this day and age. If we continue to abuse our earths precious resources, our children or our childrens children lives will be affected deeply. The tuth in the matter is that the damage we are doing simply stated is irreversible.