Geek is becoming a badge of honor, rather than an epithet (but you knew that already, didn’t you). Popular Mechanics magazine has created a Geek the Vote site dedicated to examining some of the science and technology positions of 11 of the current crop of presidential candidates from both parties. While the site isn’t set up for side-by-side comparisons between candidates, it does make it possible to go through and see a condensation of several candidates positions on issues such as Automobiles, Digital Technology, the Environment, Science Education, Space Exploration, and more.You can navigate the table either by issue or by candidate. Popular Mechanics doesn’t offer any analysis or endorsement of any of these candidates or issue positions, but it provides some information about several candidates and their positions on important topics.
On a more activist note, PM also has an editorial op-ed piece about Corn Biofuel Hype that does take a political position about the recently passed energy bill and the misguided emphasis it places on corn ethanol.
“It’s great that our politicians have discovered the need for new energy technologies. But it appears that Washington is determined to put its money—our money—on the wrong horse. Right now, researchers are studying a host of energy solutions, including hydrogen, high-mileage diesel, plug-in hybrids, radical reductions in vehicle weight and cellulosic ethanol (made from cornstalks, switchgrass or other nonfood crops). It is far too soon to say which of these holds the most promise. But, instead of promoting experimentation and competition to find the best solutions, politicians seem ready to declare ethanol the winner. As a result, our nation could wind up with the worst of both worlds: an “alternative” energy that is enormously expensive yet barely saves a gallon of oil.”
This article originally appeared at
Your damn right they’re barking up the wrong tree. Just take a look at research being done on biofuels from algae. It seems that it is just a matter of time until the bugs are worked out to make this feasible.
Our renewable source should not rely on any of our food stocks. It sounds like a one-way street to failure.
Thank you for letting me vent.
David Adams