You should know by now that electric vehicles can save you good money. It costs ~3 to 4 times less to drive an electric vehicle (EV) than to drive a gasmobile. So, even though EVs often cost a bit more up front, the lifetime cost of the vehicles is often considerably lower.
But I’ll bet you didn’t know this: EVs save you even more money in cold temperatures. A recent analysis conducted by FleetCarma shows that EVs save you 12.4¢/mile at 73°F/23°C, 13.9¢/mile at 32°F/0°C, and 14.8¢/mile at 0°F/-18°C. Pretty sweet. Here’s the full infographic, which also points out that EV range shrinks more at cold temperatures:
Pretty interesting, eh?
For more fun EV stories, check out:
8 Reasons Electric Cars Kick Your Car’s Boot