(Author’s Note: As I write this, the current weather conditions in Nantucket Sound [Wed Feb 13 16:41 EDST] are ideal for wind power generation. With wind speeds of 38 knots and gusts of up to 45 knots at the location of the proposed offshore wind energy installation, Cape Wind would have produced 422 megawatts of clean, renewable energy local in the last hour).
1. Do you have an opinion about offshore wind energy development?
2. Are you an American citizen?
3. Do you give a s#!t about this planet?
If you answered yes to all of the above, then you might be interested to know that the comment period for the Cape Wind project, the proposed offshore windfarm near Cape Cod, MA, is open to the general public until March 20th. This project is proposed for development in Federal waters, so it is open to all American citizens. You can submit an e-comment via the Department of Interior’s Minerals Management Service Public Connect system. Since the release of the draft EIS last month, most seem to think the report is generally favorable on the Cape Wind proposal. But the process is far from over. The anti-Cape Wind effort is still well-funded and persistent. The public commenting period can have a significant impact on the final determination in an EIS, so go ahead and speak your mind.
Post E-Comment via MMS Public Connect
From the MMS Website:
The 60-day comment period for the Draft Environmental Impact Statement is about half way through, assesses the physical, biological and social/human impacts of the proposed project and all reasonable alternatives, including action not taken (i.e., the project is not built), in an objective fashion in order to determine if the proposal is environmentally sound. A final decision will be made, which will account for the regional, state and local benefits and impacts as well as for the overall public interest of the United States. A final approval will be granted only if, after consideration of both environmental and non-environmental issues, the MMS finds that the proposed action is in the public interest.
Post E-Comment via MMS Public Connect
Photo: dpicker via flickr
There was also a mention somewhere a few years ago that Kennedy Sr. didn’t want to see the windmills from his house.
If wind power does not appeal because of aesthetics…what will the remaining prospect look like in a few years?
i am not a citizen, but i encourage others to sign on to pass this–wind .
I thought this was shut down a few years ago, is it back? I think it is a great idea as well as a necessary one.