Comedy Video “Anatomy of a Greenwash” Keeps the Focus on Chevron

ChevronThinksWereStupid Anatomy of a Greenwash

Did Chevron fall off your radar for a moment after the hilarious spoofs of its ridiculous PR campaign last month? Well, if it did, it’s time to put it back on there. Amazon Watch, Rainforest Action Network, and The Yes Men continue to take it to the company with a new FunnyorDie video, “Anatomy of a Greenwash.”

These guys and girls behind have also been hosting a contest for the “best parodies of Chevron’s print ads and TV commercials” and don’t look like they are going to give Chevron a break any time soon. Of course, I think this is great since Chevron hasn’t given numerous communities around the world a break and cleaned up or compensated for the mounds and mounds of toxic waste it has left in their backwards and water supplies for decades.

As Han Shan, Amazon Watch’s Clean Up Ecuador Campaign Coordinator, says: “One of Chevron’s new ‘We Agree’ ads says ‘oil companies need to get real.’ Chevron needs to get real about cleaning up its toxic legacy in Ecuador and stop wasting money on advertising that everyone agrees would be insulting if it wasn’t so laughable.”

This newest video from the activist crew is the second they’ve done with Will Ferrell’s online comedy powerhouse Check it out on the Chevron Thinks We’re Stupid homepage.

If you are not that familiar with Amazon Watch, Rainforest Action Network, and The Yes Men, or their relationship to Chevron, here’s a little more info:

Rainforest Action Network and Amazon Watch work in support of the communities in Ecuador’s rainforest suffering the effects of Chevron’s toxic legacy of oil pollution. They are plaintiffs in a monumental class action demanding that the California-based company clean up its contamination in Ecuador and compensate residents for decades of damages. The Yes Men, who designed the hoax that pre-empted Chevron’s ad campaign, are high-profile corporate crime-fighting media pranksters whose inventive use of media and “identity correction” spotlights corporate greed, deception, and abuse.

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