Climate Denial Crock of the Week: Mars Attacks!! [Video]


I meet all kinds of interesting people through my position as editor of this blog, many of whom are actively fighting to protect the planet. I was lucky enough yesterday to receive an email from one such man: Peter Sinclair, the creator of a weekly YouTube series called “Climate Denial Crock of the Week.”

I watched episodes from the past few weeks and laughed at his dry wit and sarcasm. I was impressed with the professional quality and calm narration. Sinclair picks a climate change denier’s outrageous claim from that week, whether it be from a supposedly reliable source or simply a denier’s comment on a blog or news site, and proceeds to tear them apart.

Make sure to watch this latest installment where he examines the deniers’ claim that other planets are naturally warming, so therefor Earth’s warming isn’t human-influenced, right?! If you’d like to catch up on previous episodes, you can find them all here.

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