Taxpayer Bailout for BP?

Take action below and tell your Senators that you don’t want to pay for BP’s oil spill.


This is hard to believe, to be honest, even considering who it is coming from.

Senator Lisa Murkowski of Alaska wants taxpayers to foot the bill for BP’s Gulf of Mexico oil spill. She has proposed that BP pay for the first five days of clean-up (approximately $75,000,000) and that taxpayers cover the rest (over $560,000,000 and counting). Wow.

On a wonderful action page with a constantly moving ticker showing the increasing cost of cleaning up BP’s oil spill, writes:

As the Deepwater Horizon drilling rig continues to spill over 1 million gallons of oil into the Gulf every day, Republicans are demanding less regulation for companies like BP and Transocean while also looking for a taxpayer-funded bailout of BP.

After a month of oil spewing into the Gulf, the cost of cleaning up BP’s mess is $542 million and counting. But a group of Republican senators lead by Lisa Murkowski of Alaska want the company to only pay for about the first five days of the cleanup and put taxpayers on the hook for everything else.

It’s a straight-up bailout for BP, and it’s outrageous.

Go to the action page and take action now.

Furthermore, if you want to really help in not subsidizing these types of environmental disasters, stop driving or drive less. This is Bike Month and today is actually Bike to Work Day — consider getting on your bike, riding transit, carpooling, skateboarding or whatever strikes your fancy today, tomorrow and so on!

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Image Credit: screenshot of “Cost of Cleanup” ticker.

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