Change is percolating in spirit while the cold New England winter blows in. But, if you’re in Boston, just imagine what spring will bring — The Boston Globe reports the city will increase its new bike sharing program by 50 percent, adding 300 bicycles. The desire is there and the need is going to be supplied. Since the beginning of this program, four months ago, the program, Hubway, has facilitated 140,000 rides. According to this source, they are even outdoing other initial responses to similar programs for bicyclists, despite almost all such programs being wildly popular.
Station to Station

DC.Streetsblog.org tells us in its article, Boston to Expand Hubway Bike-Share After Brilliant First Season, “Its first 2 ½ months, Hubway recorded 100,000 station-to-station rides, significantly eclipsing the pace of similar systems in Minneapolis (where Nice Ride needed six months to reach that mark) and Denver (where B-cycle needed 7 ½ months).”
The first season shows Boston bikers willingly and passionately biking. Bostlnno views this system as “the bicycle version of Zipcar,” as it “allows riders to rent bikes for varying amounts of time on a sliding price scale: $5 for 24 hours, $12 for three days, or $85 for an annual membership.”
Bostlnno goes one: “With the membership, you get a pretty rad keychain which serves as your key to unlocking your bikes, and it allows you two bikes per trip, so you don’t have to pedal across the city alone. Once paid up, simply press in your codes, and –volia! – out pops your bike.” It also reports that even professional athletes have joined the effort and taken advantage of the easy access — “Even the Bruins have gotten on board, with players riding to and from practice.”

Bike the Change
Think of an annual fee for bicycle usage that is less than the lowest monthly fee for car insurance – not to mention parking fees. It’s true, one can save money, feel more alive, and stay in shape biking. Of course, one has to be willing to weather life with nature, as well as urban circumstances. Not all that challenging, though, and these committed Boston natives are able to.
Boston Biker had its concerns relieved (as bikers in a low-bicycle environment and culture are all too often hit by vehicles — due to cars being somewhat unaware of them). But the bikers have done well. The integration revealed success: “…seems that Boston city streets are not too rough and tumble for cyclists after all. We have a long way to go…but we are heading in the right direction” Bikes are becoming a norm more and more. Planetsave finds joy in each success such as this. Be the Change!
Image Credits:
- Hubway Station, Boston Bike Share by Chasqui (Luis Tamayo)
- Share the Road by rcolonna
- Hubway Bike Share by effelarr