Things turned bad for Sea Shepherd when they arrived back to port in Tasmania today. They were greeted by Australian federal police who boarded the Steve Irwin ship with a warrant.
They confiscated “all edited and raw video footage, all edited and raw audio recordings, all still photographs, producer’s notes, interview transcripts, production meeting minutes, post production meeting minutes as well as the ship’s log books, global positioning system records, automatic radar plotting aid, purchase records, receipts, financial transaction records, voyage information and navigational plotted charts.”
Sea Shepherd said they believe the action was taken after intense diplomatic pressure on Australia from Japan, which faced international criticism stemming from the last season of Animal Planet’s Whale Wars television show. Surely they’d love to prevent the second season from airing.
“It’s a very one-sided affair,” said Captain Watson. “The Japanese ships have not been boarded by the Australian Federal Police; they have not had their video and navigational data confiscated. They have not been questioned nor will they be, yet they violently attacked my ship and crew in the Southern Ocean. Does the law only go to bat for those who destroy nature’s creation?”
Photo Credit: Sea Shepherd
Yeah it’s terrible that the “research” vessels of the Japanese are whaling in a preserve. It wouldn’t be a problem if they would just whale in their own seas, but violating an internationally protected area should not just be swept under the rug. GO FISH IN YOUR OWN WATERS JAPAN!!!! I may like your country, but this is one thing that needs to change!!!!! Although the Sea Shepard’s methods do need a little re-working, I still support anti-whaling in protected areas.