Thank Steve Jobs, Apple for Leaving Fox News & Standing Up to Glenn Beck

Steve-Jobs-Apple-Leave-Fox-NewsShow your support for Apple’s decision to ditch Fox News below.

Apparently, after Glenn Beck called President Obama a “racist” and progressivism “cancer,” some companies took notice and decided enough was enough. 33 companies, including Apple, told Fox they wanted their ads moved from Glenn Beck’s show to another advertising slot last August.

This didn’t cause a lot of trouble for Fox, I imagine, but with 200 companies joining the boycott and Apple deciding to remove its advertising from the Fox News Network altogether now, this is surely making a statement and an impact.

In order to encourage more outside-the-box corporate responsibility, Care2 has an action page set up where you can go and thank Steve Jobs and Apple for their courageous and honorable decisions on this issue.

Show your support for Apple, Steve Jobs and sensible television programming today. I just became the 16,013th person to sign the letter, but Care2 needs about 4,000 more signatures to reach its target.

Take action today.

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Photo Credit: macinate via flickr

30 thoughts on “Thank Steve Jobs, Apple for Leaving Fox News & Standing Up to Glenn Beck”

  1. It is befitting for corporations to take into consideration the negative reporting on Fox and then move their advertising to coporations that report news as it should be reported to the public without bias.

    Thanks to Steve Jobs and Apple for taking the initative to be responsible and not be a part of negative reporting on the White House.

    As AMERICANS, we can voice our disagreement of such bad behavior and we will not support nor go along with news organization who do this negative reporting to scare Americans.

  2. DEMOCRACY in action! Yes, we have freedom of speech, and we must remember it does come
    with responsibility and at times consequences.

  3. Um Sharla, by "lame stream media" I'm sure you mean mainstream media. If that is the case I hate to break it to you, but Fox is the most mainstream of all media outlets. It is the number 1 news channel if that is not mainstream I don't know what is. I know, now that we have a left of center President every ultra-right wing nut thinks they are rebels ready to "take back there country" and that you guy think you are so "underground" and "grassroots". However the truth is that fox news will never be the "voice of freedom" you think it is. It is simply a megaphone for the economically liberal, socially fascist elite of this country. It is no better than Xinhua news, the voice of the Chinese Communist Party. Fox is no more a voice of freedom than Xinhua and is about as unbiased as them as well. Sharla get your head out of your ass, you are not a freedom fighter, none of you moronic bigots are. You are scared ignorant yokels that fear anything different and cling to the flawed notion that America was fine the way it was 50 years ago. You guys are a joke you know that?

  4. @Daniel: Well we certainly wouldn't want the government to be run by someone smart, but thank you for explaining the popularity of Sara Palin, as she is as far from an intellectual as they come.

  5. Anyone who has read history knows the progressive movement is merely a threadbare cover over an attempt to consolidate political power in the hands of the "intellectual elites" while simultaneously creating a permanent underclass of dependent victims.

  6. Thank you for letting us know that Apple has taken this stance. Now all of us who disagree with Jobs can quit buying Apple products. I would like to see a list of the other corporations who have followed Jobs bandwagon, as I will "boycott" them too.
    And for those of you putting Beck down; do you really think he would put his show on the air with knowing his stuff beforehand? I believe him WAY before I believe our liar in chief who is sitting in our White House (yah, the one who was going to be the most TRANSPARENT president in history, yet he continues to hide behind his myriad of lawyers to hide his past.) So, thanks, APPLE, but no thanks.

  7. double standards for the democrats. It scares me that this administration keeps knocking FOX news. What happend to free speech? I watch Fox, have the democrats never seen Oberman?

  8. RedWhiteandBlue

    Fortunatley I choose not bow at the Apple alter. Go Glenn Beck promote more and more TRUTH!!! Furthermore Apple will soon be a washed out "has-been" thanks new fesh better more intuitive offerings from Google.

  9. Bye Bye Apple! Take your toys and go home!LOL I will boycott any company that pulls out of Fox and Beck because I can't stand people who don't think we don't have the sense to make our own educated decisions. I have watched a few of Becks shows and he hits on some things that they don't want to know or don't want people to figure out! They are scared! Better to have the info. and it not happen than to be dumbfounded when it does!

  10. FOX being partially owned by the Saud family is a HUGE potential conflict of interest. I wonder why that's not a bigger meme for reasonable voices out there?

  11. mOOOOOR ONNNN. Great way to start a post . You obviously portray yourself as someone that is above everyone else .Pathetic factoid is that you are not. If you want a response that is positive no matter what the education level is. Try using some of your vast knowledge to educate instead of belittling .
    Lot of books out that deal with self esteem I suggest you purchase one.

    Oh and by the way, I have met Tea Party people of all generations and backgrounds , All are average Americans that get up and go to work and school everyday . They are concerned Americans that love our nation.

  12. You lost me at any sane person will realize. You are are afraid of different points of view And it fits that you would would want to shut down a a venue that you dont agree with, The left calls the truth scary and it should not be brought up or it will offend the protected classes or some entity.

  13. I have seen your post's elswhere and you are a true left wing racist whacko . You are a great example of a persons history is stuck on institutunalized slavery and Jim Crow.
    Through your hate you don't see that milions of people white and black have sufferd for you to become a free thinker. But yet you still choose to be handled by the left wing progressives.

    It;s time for you to set yourself free and walk away from your masters. Become a free thinker not a left wing progressive that advances it's agenda off the backs of the minorities throughout our nation.

  14. Let viewership determine , Not left wing agendas.

    It is funny how the left wingers fear is government control only when the GOP is in control. But when the left wing liberals are in control of government they are all for it. Sad thing here is that they set themselves up and are to stupid to know it.

  15. really, that comment makes me want to cry. If you truly believed in america "capitalism" then all you would see is steve jobs not supporting a program he doesn't agree with his money. where in that article does it say steve job demanded the show shut down. god damn you are an idiot.

  16. At least you're taking a reasonable tone about it. But a boycott isn't about silencing someone. It's about voting with your dollars, which is a very conservative principle.

    1. I agree, but we need to debate these issue before making rash decisions of whether or not Glenn Beck is right or wrong! You can not deny that he believes what he is saying and does his research!

  17. Thank you Angela Adams!!!

    Name calling is not necessary at all!!! We sound ghetto to the third world countries! Yet, we claim to be sophisticated and civilized!! How???

    If you are sincerely against a certain stand then voice your stand in an educated manner because you represent the entire country!

    These people pay for college education to get a degree in journalism, and all of the sudden they talk illiterate, using poor language!! It is nauseating!!

  18. There is a huge difference between name calling and freedom of speech!!!

    You will be taken to court for defamation of character and slander!

    We need genuine and wise people to run this country! People who can lead the world to a better place!

    We used to be known for the "Sky is the limit" Now we are known for NAME CALLING AND SLANDERING EACH OTHER!

    Very sad!

  19. Name calling people isn't the truth, at all!!!! Calling somebody's wife a chimp!!! You call that the truth? Calling any commander in chief a racist is outrageous!!!

    Why did we elect him to be PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, then??!!!

    Let us get real, here!

    I am all Apple!!! And, I will make sure to buy more & more Apple products for their common sense!!!

    Name calling anyone isn't how you do business! You go Apple!!! Thank you Steve Jobs!!

    We need smart people, especially businesses, to lead this country in the right direction!

    We only have two parties to choose from, anyway! They both make unforgettable & unforgivable mistakes but, to name call them and their families will not solve any problems! In fact, we have so many!!!

    The world used to look up to us now, the soon to be a global village is laughing at us! It is really sad!

    Enough Is Enough!!!

  20. Johnny Rivera

    Good going Apple, I will consider Apples for next eletronic purchase. The Fox network's agenda is to feed Americans a huge dose of misguided information which serves the Right's interest.

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