Activism News {Weekly Round-Up)

Some activism news from around from the past week or so….


Animal Activism

  1. Japanese Whalers Say Sea Shepherd Is Their Main Obstacle
  2. Greenpeace Condemns Whaling Nations’ Sabotage as IWC 63 Closes in Jersey
  3. Unjustly Convicted Anti-Whaling Activists Await Appeal Verdict as IWC Opens in Jersey
  4. ‘Zookeeper’ Premiere Protested Over Animal Abuse Allegations, Giraffe Death
  5. Undercover PETA Video Leads To Felony Charges For Lab Workers

Climate Change Activism

  1. Artists condemn decision to end climate work
  2. Climate Activists Are Preparing For Major Tar Sands Action
  3. How the makers of Just Do It fought the law
  4. Lenovo and Challenge Teens to Take Action

Other Environmental Activism

  1. Appeal to Action: Appalachian Leaders Launch Mountaintop Removal Moratorium Now Campaign
  2. Nike & Adidas: Detox the world’s water
  3. Brazil to protect Amazon activists threatened with murder
  4. Lego shows leadership in tackling deforestation
  5. Bring Your Obama Buttons: Momentum Builds for White House Tar Sands Action
  6. New Yorkers Stage Emergency Rally Against Cuomo’s Fracking Plan

Image via tomat3

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