700+ Moms Have Climate Change Play-In On Capitol Hill

Recently about 700 moms, and children gathered in a park on Capitol Hill to draw attention to the negative impacts caused by climate change and air pollution.

Aerial_view_of_the_Capitol_HillPremature deaths, asthma attacks, and infections result from excessive air pollution and climate change harms entire ecological systems. It has also been linked to extreme weather events.

Renewable energy and greenhouse gas emissions limits were referenced as solutions at the event.

Various personalities spoke at the event, including two Congress people: Senator Sheldon Whitehouse, Democrat, Rhode Island; and Senator Tom Udall, Democrat, New Mexico.

Olympic gold medalist and former WNBA player Chamique Holdsclaw said this, “More than ever, children need to move and be active. Climate change makes that harder to do, because it will lead to more polluted air, more pollen, more asthma, and more heat waves. Climate change and air pollution have a huge influence on the health and fitness of millions of American children. Our kids need clean air so they can play outside without getting sick.”

There were attendees from Puerto Rico, all 50 states and the District of Columbia.

Dominique Browning, co-founder and senior director, Moms Clean Air Force, said: “As moms, we try to teach our children to be responsible for the way they treat others. The fossil fuel industry doesn’t get to ignore this basic principle of human decency. It’s time for the fossil fuel industry to behave in a responsible manner and clean up its pollution. We all share the same air.”

The event was organized by Moms Clean Air Force, an organization with about 740,000 members who want to see reductions in air pollution and climate change emissions.

The nature of the gathering was serious, but there were also activities for families like music, hula-hoops, yoga, storytelling and giant puppets. It is important for citizens in a democracy to express themselves about these kinds of issues.

 Image Credit: Public domain

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