6.7 Earthquake and 6.0 Aftershock Strike Philippine Islands, Leave 53 Dead (Video)

The Philippines sits in one of the most volatile tectonic areas on Earth. It is under continuous geological assault from plate movements on all sides.

According to Filipino officials, a strong earthquake has struck the central Philippines, killing at least 53 people and causing widespread damage and power outages.

The quake was centered in a narrow strait just off Negros Island. Authorities say a landslide killed 29 people, others were killed in buildings and homes that collapsed on Negros, including the seaside town of La Libertad. Dozens of people are missing. Numerous aftershocks continued to shake the island hours after the quake. Officials say there is no concern of a tsunami, although some coastal towns nearby were hit by large waves.

Reports from the U.S. Geological Survey say the 6.7-magnitude quake struck late Monday morning at a depth of 29 miles.

Source: VOA

Photo Credit: EliasSchewel

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