$5 Million Ash Spill Lawsuit Seeks Class Action Status

Lawyers representing owners of waterfront property impacted by the 1.1 billion gallon spill of fly ash from Tennessee’s Kingston Fossil Plant have filed a lawsuit requesting $5 million in damages in addition to class action status for all residents affected by the massive spill.


“Discharge of the coal ash slurry has substantially and unreasonably interfered with Plaintiff’s right to use and enjoy his property,” reads the lawsuit, filed yesterday in Knoxville, adding that the spill was “a substantial disturbance in comfort and conveniences, including their peace of mind, as well as fear, stress, annoyance, and anxiety.”

The residents are represented by top class action attorney Michael D. Hausfeld, known for previous victories such as a settlement from Texaco for $176 million in a race discrimination case and an enormous $1.25 billion for holocaust survivors from Swiss banks. He is currently involved in the class-action suit against tobacco companies for their branding of “light” cigarettes.

The suit asks to include “all individuals who own or owned real property located on the Emory or Clinch Rivers downstream from the TVA Kingston Fossil Plant.”

Photo Credit: Brian Stansberry on WikiMedia Commons

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