I wrote on the possibility that the upcoming Global Work Party on 10/10/10 primarily organized by 350.org might be the biggest day of political action in the world’s history.
For more on that, check out my first post on that topic (link above). I just wanted to announce here that just a handful of hours after I wrote that post, the upcoming Global Work Party officially reached 5249 planned events, more than 350.org’s (and probably the world’s) previous high.
Big congrats to 350.org and all participating people for their work on this issue.
Also, here are some upcoming event highlights from the 350.org crew:
Funniest: Sumo wrestlers cycling to practice in downtown Tokyo.
Most remote: An education center in the Namib Desert in Namibia installing six solar panels.
Smallest country taking part: Divers on the smallest island nation of the world, Nauru (8.1 square miles) will plunge into their coral reefs for an underwater clean-up.Most presidential: President Mohamed Nasheed of the Maldives is installing solar panels on his roof.
Most tipsy: Partiers in Edinburgh will be throwing a “Joycott” (a reverse boycott) at a local bar that agreed to put 20% of its extra revenues on 10/10/10 to making the bar more energy efficient. Attendees will try and drink as much as possible to raise money. Cheers!
Most poignant: In San Pedro Garza Garcia, Mexico, students will hand out solar-powered lights to families who are still recovering from the devastation of Hurricane Alex this June, 2010.
Most cross-cultural: Over 100 cyclists from Jordan, Israel and Palestine taking part in a 3-day bicycle relay to carry water from the Yarmouk River and the Sea of Galilee to the Dead Sea to symbolize the need for cooperation to stop climate change and save precious water resources.
Most educational: 850 universities in China, India, and the United States are joining 10/10/10 as part of the Great Power Race campaign, a clean energy competition.
Most carbon cut: On 10/10/10 the Mayor of Mexico City will sign a commitment to reduce the city’s emissions 10% in a single year. The city government will be directly responsible for 5% of the reductions and lead a public campaign to get citizens to cut the remaining 5%.
Most futuristic: Young people in Barbados will be demonstrating the viability of fuel cell technology in a hovercraft they have built themselves.
Most ?????: We want to know what’s the most fascinating thing about your event. My more web-savvy colleagues tell me you can feature it as a comment on this popular Facebook post.
Image Credit: 350.org via flickr
Check out how south africa’s taking part: http://www.athousandguitars.com/2010/10/hartbeespoort-community-leads-way-this.html
My most wonder full thought for the day is so thrilled about this it really makes its mark with me be around to hear people are working this way Happy .