23–50% Of Current Electric Drivers Plan To Get A Tesla Model 3 Next (CleanTechnica Report)

Originally published on CleanTechnica.

Below is another segment of CleanTechnica‘s new, 93-page electric car & driver report. In case you missed previous intros, for the report, we surveyed over 2,000 electric car drivers living in 28 countries (49 of 50 US states, 26 European countries, and 9 Canadian provinces). We wanted to find out what early electric car adopters require and desire from their next electric cars and from EV charging networks, as well as what EV life is like so far for them/you.

This report segments responses by three distinct electric vehicle groups (Tesla drivers, pure-electric but non-Tesla drivers, and drivers of plug-in hybrids) as well as by continent (North America versus Europe). This segmentation unveils clear differences on many topics — which is sensible given the vast variation in user experience for each type of EV and for the two regions, but which we’ve never seen uncovered before.

You can get the full 93-page report — Electric Car Drivers: Desires, Demands, & Who They Are — for $500, or you can check out the first 60 pages for free here [pdf]. (Also, if you contributed to the report and want a free copy, drop us a note and we’ll send the entire report your way.) Core report partners included EV-BoxT Shuttle, and Important Media’s central team. Other report partners included The Beam, EV Obsession, and the Low Voltage Vehicle Electrification summit.

Expected Next EV Model  (… As You’d Expect)

With over 100,000 reservations logged in under 24 hours — before the car was even unveiled — it doesn’t take six polls to uncover which electric car tops the list of “expected next EV model.” Nonetheless, the Tesla Model 3 didn’t single-handedly account for the majority of answers for that question, and seeing the precise “future car” split according to 6 six very different EV-driving groups is fascinating.

As with our initial EV owner report, it’s striking how loyal many consumers are to the brands and models they are currently driving. Of course, given that they chose those brands and models in the first place, they must have had several reasons (or at least one or two reasons) for doing so. Nonetheless, it’s interesting how many Volt drivers plan to get a Bolt, how many LEAF drivers plan to stick with a LEAF, and how many Tesla drivers don’t plan to leave the brand.

With regard to that last point, 91.6% of European Tesla drivers and 90.4% of North American Tesla drivers plan to get another Tesla next — a Model 3, Model S, Model X, or Model Y. That doesn’t even count the people who plan to get another Tesla but don’t know which one, or who don’t plan to get another car at all (don’t expect to outlive their Tesla).

Similarly — but not so dramatically — 20.5% of North American plug-in hybrid drivers (which are primarily Volt drivers) chose the Chevy Volt, and another 18.9% of them chose the Chevy Bolt. In Europe, where the Volt isn’t so widespread, those numbers dropped to 1.6% and 4.8%, respectively.

The following chart provides an overview of the most popular models for respondents’ expected next EV, broken down by the 6 distinct EV driver groups. After that are more detailed charts for each of those 6 groups.

Related: rEVolution (Video)

Reprinted with permission.

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