15 Green Living Stories {News Wrap-Up}

Some good green living stories from around from the past week….

  1. First off, I encourage you to watch the great short film above on our disconnect from nature. Beautiful. Haunting. For more, check out the website: WE MISS YOU.
  2. BPA is a harmful, hormone-disrupting chemical that is in too many of our products these days. Learn more about it and how to kick BPA out of your life here: Take The BPA Challenge [Healthy Child Healthy World]
  3. Rob Painting of the leading climate science site Skeptical Science had a good post last week on what he and his wife do to live greener and tackle climate change in their daily lives, great long list to get some inspiration and ideas from. [Skeptical Science]
  4. Biking, as I say every chance I get, is one of the greenest things you can do. But it’s also extremely patriotic. Confused? Check out this piece: Why cycling is more patriotic than flag waving [Energy Bulletin]
  5. Energy efficient lighting choices would help the environment and save consumers tons of money, which is why lawmakers have passed a bill to encourage more efficient lighting options. But, unfortunately, Republican lawmakers are no trying to repeal it, something that would cost U.S. consumers $12.5 billion! [NRDC]
  6. A short film from Detroit shows how bicycles and a little advocacy can help empower communities in the struggling city (and elsewhere). Check it out (and a little summary) on our sister site sustainablog (video also included at the bottom of this post): Bicycling in Detroit: Community Efforts Caught on Film [sustainablog]
  7. Off-grid or grid-tied home solar — which is better? Well, it’s hard to say, they both have their advantages and disadvantages. Check them out on another sister site of ours: [Insteading]
  8. Need some good summer wear but don’t want to go buy something new? Check out some of these good DIY upcycled clothing ideas for summer! [Crafting a Green World]
  9. Wonder how much money bicycling for transportation purposes would save you? UK news site Guardian has a post to help you figure that out. [Guardian]
  10. We come up with a lot of lame excuses for not doing things that are good for others and ourselves. Here are 6 bad excuses for not bicycling and ways to overcome them. [TreeHugger]
  11. If you think you can’t do something (carry groceries, furniture, tons of kids, etc.) on a bicycle, think again.. and visit the Netherlands. And if you can’t visit the Netherlands, check out this fun post (which is full of cool bike photos, too): Fietsen Van Amsterdam – Bikes of Amsterdam [Preservation Institute]
  12. Chemicals and weight are being increasingly linked in a variety of scientific studies. Maria Dryden of sister site Feelgood Style delved into the topic of shampoo chemicals and weight last week — worth a look. [Feelgood Style]
  13. Becky Striepe has a great series on “eating vegan” over on sister site Eat Drink Better that has been extremely popular with readers. Last week, she delved into what vegan actually is. Do you know? [Eat Drink Better]
  14. Bicyclist and author Chip Haynes has written a few posts for us in the past. They were great, fun pieces. Someone shared a post with me last week on Chip and some of his many talents that I thought was worth a share: Chip Haynes: Bike Advocate, Author…Mad Scientist [Bike Commuters]
  15. We eat every day (or should), so our food footprint is a big part of our environmental footprint. Jennifer Kaplan of sister site Eat Drink Better had a great post last week on how you can reduce your food footprint/food miles. [Eat Drink Better]

Front page image via Living Off Grid

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