The Tea Party’s got a number of mistakes to its name. And the #1 mistake really depends on who exactly you’re talking about when you’re talking about the Tea Party — the citizens or the political leaders. In this case, I’m referring to Tea Party citizens.
The #1 mistake these Tea Party followers make, I think, is believing that the politicians they support, the ones who call for less government involvement, actually live up to that ideal (which is, quite simply, an extremely flawed ideal anyway).
Tea Party leaders like Rick Perry, Michele Bachmann, and, well, just about every Republican in office these days DO support Big Oil subsidies, Big Coal subsidies, and corporate tax breaks. They also seem to support government spying via such things as the Patriot Act and massive government (i.e. taxpayer) expenditures on wars related to oil. Rather than let us pay the real, unsubsidized price for oil, they provide the industry with billions of dollars of support from citizen wallets. They give the richest of the rich tax cuts the average worker can’t get.
The #1 mistake Tea Party citizens make is they think their politicians are not promoting government involvement that benefits the bottom line of the industries that pay for their TV and radio ads (and the richest of the rich, whose fortunes they will not equitably tax).
Why do average-Joe Tea Partiers make this mistake?
Well, they just listen to what the politicians say without checking in on what they actually do in office….
Now that I’m done ranting, here’s some top activism and politics news of the day for you:
Animal Activism
- Urgent action needed to avoid extinction of Mekong dolphins
- Take Action for Florida Manatees
- Help Ban Shark Finning in California
- PHOTOS: Anti-Fur Fashion Show Winners Prove ‘Compassion Is In Fashion’
- NASCAR Driver Joins Race To Protect Farm Animals
- Farm-acology 101: Doctors Take Aim At Antibiotic Resistance From Factory Farms
Other Activism
- Writing to Tim DeChristopher
- Frequently Asked Questions about Tim DeChristopher
- Victory! The City of Baltimore has Stopped Cutting Trees for the Grand Prix Race!
- Farewell to the Rainbow Warrior II
Crazy US Politics
- Politifact Says Governor Scott is Wrong About What HSR Would Have Cost Florida (big surprise)
- Interior Department takes steps to accelerate climate change
- Rick Perry On Climate Change And Texas Agriculture: ‘We’ll Be Fine’ (meanwhile, people are suffering and the state is losing billions)
- Texas Climate Scientist Katharine Hayhoe Responds To Rick Perry (Texas Christian speaks up! yay!)
- Rick Perry Wants To Frack Iowa (I think he wants to frack everyone)
- Mythbusters: Debunking The Claim That Fuel Economy Standards ‘Kill People’ (hint, the true story is more like this: Northeast Clean Fuels Standard = Thousands of Jobs, Billions of Dollars)
- Wind Uprising DVD Giveaway (+ Top Wind Power News)
- China to Double Solar Power Capacity by End of 2011 (+ Top Solar Power Stories)
- Greenpeace demands UK drilling rethink as Shell confirms on-going North Sea leak
- A couple questions for Shell
- Washington Post Shills For Keystone XL Tar Sands Pipeline
- Visualize 29,000 Dead Somali Children
- BREAKING: Poll finds solid opposition to mountaintop removal in coal states (who would’ve thought, people don’t like seeing the mountains behind their houses decapitated and their waters polluted)
- The Case for Bicycle Infrastructure (short story: 99.99% of people prefer good bicycle infrastructure and repeated studies find it makes bicycling safer)
- CNN Doc On Mountaintop Removal Falls Flat (very flat)
Image via Pargon