Author name: Joshua S Hill

I'm a Christian, a nerd, a geek, a liberal left-winger, and believe that we're pretty quickly directing planet-Earth into hell in a handbasket! I work as Associate Editor for the Important Media Network and write for CleanTechnica and Planetsave. I also write for Fantasy Book Review (, Amazing Stories, the Stabley Times and Medium.   I love words with a passion, both creating them and reading them.

Sleeping and Skiing

Sometimes, there is news that leaves you confused as to whether you should be happy or sad. This is one of those times, when we’ve been informed that 2007 will be the joint sixth warmest year on record. Now at first glance, this isn’t necessarily a good thing. So you’re wondering why I could be

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And so it begins…

For the past month I’ve brought to your attention here at Planetsave and Green Options the issues surrounding Japan reinstating the whale hunt. They claim they are doing it for scientific research, but thanks to Greenpeace, it’s indisputable that such “evidence gathering” is unnecessary. From the top: It is simply not necessary to kill whales

And so it begins… Read More 👉

The Forgotten Continent

When you consider the evolutionary timeline of human history, it is surprising to find that our birthplace is now little more than a passing thought in our minds. Africa is the country that receives the least attention from the world. We know only countries like Somalia, South Africa and Sudan because of their strife and

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Wave of the Future

Renewable energies are up against the wall right now, with skeptics and financial binds restricting what many believe to be humanities only hope for continuing clean and friendly power generation. “It’s too expensive” is often the cry of the politician, who seems to think that just because he’ll be dead, he doesn’t really mind if

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