Author name: Chris Milton

is a seasoned sustainability journalist focusing on business, finance and clean technology. His writing's been carried by a number of highly respected publishers, including The Guardian, The Washington Post and Scientific American. You can follow him on twitter as @britesprite, where he's one of Mashable's top green tweeters and Fast Company's CSR thought leaders. Alternatively you can follow him to the shops... but that would be boring.

Message from Australia: "It’s time that those who advocate economic growth derived from resource extraction and pollution … be the ones labeled wacky, loopy, irresponsible, divorced from reality or connected to the CIA."

It’s at times like the current environmental and climate change catastrophe that you realize just how deeply fearful and conservative people can be. For example, leading and well respected proponents of green economics andΒ resilientΒ society are still rabbiting on about how we can avoid rises of over 2Β°C by 2100. Β Makes me want to scream… Then […]

Message from Australia: "It’s time that those who advocate economic growth derived from resource extraction and pollution … be the ones labeled wacky, loopy, irresponsible, divorced from reality or connected to the CIA." Read More πŸ‘‰

Brits Love Renewable Energy, Hate Fossil Fuels, Divided on Fracking

A new survey conducted by UK pollsters YouGov has shown that support for renewable energy remains consistently strong in Britain whilst support for fossil fuels continues to decline. However, the same survey shows that there is division over whether large scale fracking in the north of England should go ahead, and most people continue to

Brits Love Renewable Energy, Hate Fossil Fuels, Divided on Fracking Read More πŸ‘‰

NGOs Call For Mega Dam To Be Halted

Over 250 NGOs from 51 countries have called on the governments of Laos and Thailand to halt building the Xayaburi mega dam on the River Mekong in Northern Laos.

They claim the environmental impact assessment report into the project has been poorly prepared and fails to take into account the environmental and social impact of choking the water supply to ecosystems and populations downstream.

NGOs Call For Mega Dam To Be Halted Read More πŸ‘‰

The End of Intensive Farming Fertilizers?

Hundreds of years ago, it was common practice for all the sh*t in a town or city to be gathered up each night and dumped on the nearby fields as fertilizer. This provided excellent nutrients for the crops, but it also created a lot of disease.

Scroll forwards hundreds of years later, and we still have to wash our fruit and veg because of all the chemical sh*t dumped on it. More to the point, real sh*t is being looked at again as a sustainable substitute for chemical and phosphate fertilizers used in intensive agriculture.

The End of Intensive Farming Fertilizers? Read More πŸ‘‰

Europe to Stress Test Nuclear Power Stations

The EU’s Commissioner for Energy, GΓΌnther Oettinger, has announced that the union will conduct a series of stress tests upon its nuclear power stations later in the year. He described the tests as “extraordinary” and said they would include the impact of earthquakes and high water.

The tests will also be conducted on the nuclear power stations of neighbouring non-EU countries, including Switzerland, Turkey and Russia.

Europe to Stress Test Nuclear Power Stations Read More πŸ‘‰

BBOP | Jazzing Up Business' Impact On Biodiversity

The Business and Biodiversity Offset Program has left me torn: is this a genuine attempt to preserve biodiversity, or just another exercise in corporate greenwashing? [social_buttons]The Business and Biodiversity Offset Program is a work in progress.Β  Its name includes that reviled word β€œoffset”, a red flag for many deep greens. However, unlike the dreaded carbon

BBOP | Jazzing Up Business' Impact On Biodiversity Read More πŸ‘‰

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