Sun dimming, also known extravagantly as “solar radiation management projects,” are the attempt to reduce the amount of sunlight making its way to the Earth’s surface by placing something in its path. Many believe that geoengineering projects such as these would go a long way to counteracting the effects of climate change.
Solar dimming does take place naturally, if and when a volcanic eruption spews enough ash into the atmosphere to minimize the levels of sunlight reaching the surface, however, manually implementing something like this is fraught with perils and unknowns.
A new study by Dr Peter Braesicke, from the Centre for Atmospheric Science at Cambridge University, looks at the possible impacts of sun dimming and the effect that it would have on the planet’s wider climate systems.
Teleconnections are the phenomenon of distant climate patterns relating to one another at large distance, such as the link between sea-level pressure at Tahiti and Darwin, Australia, which defines the Southern Oscillation.
“It is important that we look for unintended consequences of any sun dimming schemes,” said Braesicke. “We have to test our models continuously against observations to make sure that they are ‘fit-for-purpose’, and it’s important that we should not only look at highly averaged ‘global’ quantities.”
The research done by Braesicke and his team allow them to assess what would happen if a geoengineering project such as solar dimming was initiated.
“We have shown that important teleconnections are likely to change in such a geoengineered future, due to chemistry-climate interactions and in particular, due to changing stratospheric ozone,” concluded Braesicke. “In our model, the forced variability of northern high latitude temperatures changes spatially, from a polecentred pattern to a pattern over the Pacific region when the solar irradiance is reduced. Future geoengineering studies need to consider the full evolution of the stratosphere, including its chemical behaviour.”
In other words, while we might end up cooling our planet by minimizing how much solar radiation makes it into the atmosphere, we may conversely minimize the amount of rain that falls over Africa and Asia during the summer monsoons, thus affecting billions of peoples water supplies.
Everything is linked to everything else. Or, at least, that seems to be what the evidence is showing us.
Source: Wiley-Blackwell
Image Source: John Davey
For anyone who thinks these climate cooling ideas are “nutty”, you obviously don’t understand the danger of climate change. Climate change can quite simply destroy civilization within a relatively short period. Even mild climate change severely threatens food supplies and infrastructure and will continue to do so to a point which will overwhelm society in the near future. Get this through your head: NO AMOUNT OF CARBON DIETING WILL STOP THIS! With this in mind aggressive geoengineering and tampering with the atmosphere, even if it completely fails, is more than worth the risks it poses which are miniscule compared with the effects of climate change. Therefore lets stop wasting time and just do it!
The ongoing private abd military geoengineering projects in the US and elsewhere have already changed the climate as we know it.
Here in Florida we no longer have the daily summer rains and instead we have droughts. The temperatures in the winter are much lower now than in years previous.
It is understood by many scientists that a global dimming is happening which has many concerned about how photosynthesis will be effected.
Here are a number of Atmospheric Aerosol Geoengineering Projects:
Aeromet, Inc. (L-3 Communications) – U.S Department of Defense
BAMEX – Bow Echo and Mesoscale Convective Vortex Experiment
CALIPSO – CloudSat Validation Experiment
Delaware Department of Agriculture Cloud Seeding Program
Edwards Aquifer Authority
Federal Aviation Administration – Great Lakes Division
Gratiot Weather Modification Project
Illinois Weather Modification Projects
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration – National Hurricane Center
Naval Surface Warfare Center
Nevada State Cloud Seeding Program
New Mexico BLAST (Burst Light and Stratus Transmission) Project
North Dakota Cloud Modification Project (NDCMP)
North Dakota Thunderstorm Project – North Dakota Atmospheric Resource Board
North Dakota Tracer Experiment – North Dakota Atmospheric Resource Board
Northeast Sampling Program – Sonoma Technology, Inc.
NSF/NCAR ICE-L Field Campaign
Oklahoma Weather Modification Project (OWMP)
Panhandle Groundwater Conservation District Rainfall Enhancement Program
Santa Barbara County Water Agency
Sonoma Technology, Inc.
Stanislaus Weather Modification Program
State of South Dakota – Department of Natural Resources Division of Weather Modification
Texas Central High Plains Rainfall Enhancement Program
Texas Experiment in Augmenting Rainfall through Cloud Seeding (TEXARC)
Texas Weather Modification Program
The University of North Dakota – US Environmental Protection Agency
University of Arizona – National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)
Upper American River Cloud Seeding Project
Upper Payette River Basin Cloud Seeding Program
Upper Tuolumne River Weather Modification Program
Utah Division of Water Resources
Utah Division of Water Resources
West Central Texas Council of Governments Rainfall Enhancement Program
Western Dakota Water Development District – Black Hills Council of Local Government
Wyoming Weather Modification Pilot Program
Weather Modification has been in full force for over 10 years now. You may have heard of Chem Trails spraying.
In 2001, while living in Columbia SC, I watched the criss cross spray pattern in the sky and wondered “what the heck are those planes spraying”. The criss cross patterns spread to form a full cloud cover, w/i 12 hours it would rain. Rain when SC was in the middle of a drought and the weather men we calling for sunny skies and no chance of rain.
Also, it is interesting that ancient text translated by Sitchin, mentioned that the gods wanted the gold found on earth transformed into a powered form and sprayed in their atmosphere for a “sun screen” to protect their home planet from their sun.
This article is a farce, they have been spraying northern California and southern Oregon on an almost daily basis for the last 2 years at least. Our drought is deepening, we have no thunderstorms any more, the snow tastes metallic and the winter skies are hardly ever blue as dozens of aerosoling aircraft daily obliterate our sunlight. I stopped at grad school in biology because of the text book white washing of the truth and the sheep-like objectivity of the science professors. They literally have had the ability to think critically schooled out of them.