Why Tom Shadyac Left His 17,000 sq ft Mansion to Move into a 1000 sq ft Mobile Home

On yesterday’s Oprah show, Tom explained how he was no happier standing in his 17,000 sq ft mansion than when he was paid $1000/week to write jokes for Bob Hope. He explained that North American culture has a very narrow acceptance of what success is, which is heavily dependent on your wealth, job and status. That our whole lives are trapped in this inauthentic competitive nature against each other. And how we should instead be following our natural human nature and cooperating with each other.

A tree doesn’t take more than it needs, and neither should people. We live in giant mansions and drive hummers to prove to a culture that we are worthy. In contrast to that, we only need a bicycle to go to the grocery store or a home that doesn’t have more rooms than you possibly need. When we follow what we are truly passionate about, we not only live happier lives, we also leave behind a more natural world.

Here’s the “I AM” documentary trailer:

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Top Image via qtschlepper

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