White House Correspondents Dinner 2011: Obama Jokes about FOX News, Crazy Conspiracy Theorists, Trump {VIDEO}

Seriously, this is what we need more of from Obama and Democratic leadership — not only the great humor that would garner a TON more attention in U.S. politics and important issues facing our country and the world, but the innovative calling out of ridiculous attacks on him, his policies, and the U.S. public.

We need this on a variety of topics, repeatedly, not just at the White House Correspondents Dinner. We need to hear this kind of thing, we need this kind of commentary and humor on an ongoing basis. And we need it focused on the GOP’s ridiculous assaults on the clean water, clean air, and climate we rely on to not only live comfortably, but to live at all, in this world.

The conspiracy theories regarding global climate change and climate scientists are just as ridiculous, if not more ridiculous, than the conspiracy theories regarding Obama’s birth certificate. Too bad he did’t take that on in this speech.

Overall, great White House Correspondents Dinner speech by Obama — hope there’s more to come. And hope more such comments are focused on the ridiculousness of global warming denial conspiracy theories soon as well.  (Though, to be quite honest, I’m not holding my breath.)

More thoughts on the 2011 White House Correspondents Dinner or Obama’s speech there? Drop them in the comments below.

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