Comet Pan-STARRS is only a couple of weeks away now. Starting around March 10th, those in the Northern Hemisphere should be able to clearly see the comet during the twilight hours. March 12th and 13th will probably be the best days to see it though, as it will be near its brightest and located right next to the crescent moon.
ScienceHeathen has more:
Comet Pan-STARRS is nearly here. The sun grazing comet, coming all the way from the Oort Cloud, is expected to put on its potentially best display on the evening of March 12th or 13th. It should appear visible to the naked eye in the Western evening sky, right next to the crescent moon. The comet is now predicted to end up ‘only’ as bright as the stars of the Big Dipper, though possibly with a tail visible to the naked eye. Because of how close the comet will be traveling to the Sun, the only time to see it will likely be during the twilight.
You may be able to faintly make out the comet as early as March 5th, once it nears the plant Mercury.
The original article, Comet Pan-STARRS, Where And When To Watch continues with more details on locations and times to watch.
Image Credits: NASA