UCS Climate Scientist Corrects Misleading Science Reporting at FOX, Wall Street Journal (VIDEO)

Some major news outlets continue to broadcast or publish what can only be called disinformation regarding the current state of climate science research findings.

As previously reported here on Planetsave, FOX News has been at the forefront of inaccurate (doubt-promoting) climate change reporting.The Wall Street Journal has also continued this questionable reporting on its famous op-ed pages.

The reporting, buy one notable account, is worse than suspected.

A recent snapshot analysis by the Union of Concerned Scientists (UCS) found that, over a 6 month period at FOX News, “93 percent of the references to climate science were misleading.” Further, the UCS analysis  found: “In one year on the Wall Street Journal Opinion pages, 81 percent of the references were misleading.”

UCS presented it findings last month at several events in New York City, and delivered 20,000 comments from UCS supporters to the headquarters of News Corporation (the owners of FOX News) and the Wall Street Journal, along with a request to “stop failing science and improve how they represent climate science.” (Source: UCS newsletter, Oct. 16, 2012)

It’s fine to complain, even better to show… in full public view!… So, check out this video presentation by UCS climate scientist Dr. Brenda Ekwurzel, wherein she handily corrects the climate science inaccuracies using a six-foot tall blowup of a WSJ Op-Ed page in famed Bryant Park (former favorite ‘hangout’ spot of none other than Nikola Tesla — one of the earliest advocates of renewable energy!). Article continues below.

Dr. Brend Ekwurzel presentation - Bryant Park
Ekwurzel marked up a six-foot-tall version of the January 27, 2012, article — “No Need to Panic About Global Warming – There’s no compelling scientific argument for drastic action to ‘decarbonize’ the world’s economy.” — and itemized numerous examples of misleading information about climate science.

The event started off with a panel discussion featuring TIME Magazine senior writer Bryan Walsh and Harvard University professor and Union of Concerned Scientists Board Chair Dr. James McCarthy, who discussed the current state of climate science reporting in the mainstream media.

Listen to the podcast of highlights from the panel discussion.

Dr. Ekwurzel and UCS staff members were later joined by supporters who stamped “Not Science” on the op-ed and filled out postcards (with similar statements) later sent to News Corp.

Read Brenda’s blog post about the event.

You, too, can lend your voice of objection to mainstream science disinformation by doing the following:

Video/Photo/Chart: UCS website

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