In case you missed them, or are just interested in seeing which of our posts from the last week have gotten the most views, here’s a list of our top 10 posts from the past 7 days:

- US Map of Biggest Polluters (Interactive)
- Today is Human Trafficking Awareness Day – End Modern Slavery
- South Africa: 448 Rhinos Killed in 2011 [Warning: Graphic]
- Rhino Crisis Round Up: Eight Rhinos Slaughtered in Kruger National Park & More
- Doomsday Clock: 5 Minutes to Midnight Now
- Maldives May Move to Australia due to Rising Sea Levels
- Do You Know the Cause of 51% or More of Humanity’s Greenhouse Gas Emissions?
- Pumping Water into a (Dormant) Volcano to Make Power — Newest Geothermal Project
- What Causes Global Warming: Human or Natural Factors?
- Climate Change Causes Dramatic Ecological Changes