Texas Republicans Like Clean Energy Reports New Survey

A majority of Texas Republicans say they favor using clean energy to generate electricity, concludes a survey conducted by the Texas Clean Energy Coalition (TCEC).

This new TCEC survey reveals 85% of Lone Star State voters, including a 78% factor from Republicans, favor the increase of clean energy as a way to generate electricity. In addition, 94% of Texas voters view solar energy as a clean energy resource.

“What struck me about the survey results is how widespread the support is across the political spectrum for increasing our state’s use of clean energy. Republicans, Democrats and independents alike want more Texas clean energy, they favor common-sense clean energy policies that give Texas consumers more freedom, and they want the state to develop its own comprehensive clean energy plan,” said TCEC chairman Kip Averitt, a former GOP state senator who served as chairman of the Senate Natural Resources Committee in yesterday’s press announcement.

Texas flag shutterstock_160220252The survey of 801 registered voters was conducted in mid-April by Michael Baselice, president of Austin-based Baselice & Associates in collaboration with Kristen Soltis Anderson, the co-founder of Echelon Insights of Alexandria, Virginia.

Voters, including Republicans, also noted their strong support for nine of 10 potential Texas clean energy policies and proposals that give consumers more freedom to choose their energy sources.

Despite their preference for clean energy, most Texas residents do not know much about the federal Clean Power Plan. So far, only 14% of Texas voters have seen, read or heard anything about the plan.

Key survey findings:

  • Widespread support for increasing clean energy power in Texas. 85% of Texas voters – including 78% of Republicans – favor increasing the use of clean energy to generate electricity in Texas.
  • Natural gas is seen as a part of clean energy mix. Large percentages of voters view solar (94%), wind (94%), and natural gas (70%) as clean energy sources.
  • Cleaner air, economic growth, and reduced dependence on foreign sources and oil prices are viewed as the most convincing reasons to increase clean energy in Texas.
  • Less pollution and cleaner air in our communities was the top-ranked reason among Republican, Democratic, and independent voters.
  • Voters, including Republicans, express strong support for 9 of 10 potential Texas clean energy policies and proposals that provide consumers more freedom and level the playing field received the highest marks.
    • The top-rated proposals include homeowners being able to install clean energy technologies without HOA interference, net metering for residential rooftop solar, lower rates for utility customers who use less electricity during peak hours, and extending the PACE program to homeowners.
  • The federal Clean Power Plan debate is not well-known to Texas voters, and they are split along party lines in their views of it.
    • Only one in seven Texas voters (14 percent) have seen, read or heard anything about the federal Clean Power Plan.
    • After hearing a basic description of the federal Clean Power Plan, most Democrats (88%) and independents (65%) support it, while almost two-thirds (64%) of Republicans oppose it.
    • When provided contrasting viewpoints on why the plan is a good or bad idea, Republican opposition hardens further, with 79% saying it’s a bad idea. They are joined in this viewpoint by 53% of independents.
  • However, most Texas voters – including six in 10 Republicans – believe that the state should prepare a Clean Power Plan proposal now instead of waiting for the Supreme Court to rule. (Eighteen states, including Texas, have challenged the federal Clean Power Plan in court. Recently, the US Supreme Court ordered the EPA to halt enforcement of the plan until the case is decided.)

Image via Shutterstock

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