Santorum, I thought, had absolutely no chance of moving forward as the Republican presidential nominee. Why? He’s off-the-wall crazy. Yet, somehow, he’s been winning primaries of late. That only seems to bolster his confidence in his insanity, though.
In the video below, Santorum calls cap and trade a “charade” (odd, it’s been exceptionally effective at reducing greenhouse gas emissions in Europe, addressed the issue of acid rain in the U.S., and has been working very well in U.S. regions where it’s implemented).
Santorum says the left “lost their politicization of science with global warming.” What? There is a clear scientific consensus that humans are causing unprecedented and concerning global warming. Every other country in the world is taking action to address this issue. Every overarching scientific body has told us we are causing considerable warming and most have recommended taking action to stop it. Lost? The fact that the U.S. GOP and media are so extreme as to reject science doesn’t mean the left has lost—it means anyone with half a brain cell who cares at all about others is facing a huge, ignorant road block.
Furthermore, it’s the GOP that has politicized the science! It is the party that trumpets lie after lie after lie about the science and tries to position it against jobs (which doesn’t really work if you look into the matter in any decent depth).
Of course, the “manipulation of data” statement is completely inaccurate, as at least 7 independent investigations have found no manipulation of data by climate scientists accused of that.
And the icing on the cake: “you hear all the time, ‘oh, you know, conservatives are the anti-science party’—no, no we’re not, we’re the truth party.” After spitting out 4 lies, Santorum has the lack of clarity or outright lack of scruples to say his party is the “truth party”?! You have to be kidding me!
This is insane. This guy, lying out of his teeth or completely ignorant about matters he’s so certain of, has a chance to be the president of the United States. Holy cow.
Check out the video via CNN here:
Wow! If Santorum becomes the Republican nominee, I’m going to be really, really embarrassed of my country.
(Of course, Santorum gets a lot of his funding from the coal industry.)