San Francisco's Green Festival Hosts a Diverse Group of Global Leaders

I am so impressed with the line up of speakers at this season’s Green Festival in San Francisco going on now!


The Green Festivals are composed of a partnership between Green America and Global Exchange. These highly educational Green Festivals are all around the nation and if you are a green expert looking to share your vision, then why not apply to speak in the future?

If you are not in the city this weekend then check out their exhibitor directory online to see what new eco business ideas are springing up this Spring. If you are in San Francisco, then tonight and tomorrow evening only, you can catch the next premiere screenings of 2012: Time for Change.

With the motto: “motivate, participate & activate“, the GF team encourages educational, hands-on activities for kids of all ages, and ideas on how to take the ecological movement forward.

One big issue that always pops up around huge conventions like this is waste. The Green Festival team does it’s best to set an example for eco conventions and conferences everywhere.

To get a better idea of how the Green Festival stays in ecological balance take a look at their behind the scenes video:


I find it admirable to see the Green Festival team actively training new green leaders of the future with each city convention.

What have your experiences been like at the GFs?

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