Well, Rick Perry has been trying to play off his huge Republican presidential primary brain fart (a good one if he had it permanently) by turning it into a joke. Well, it was a joke to many people, just as Rick Perry’s presidential candidacy, but the sad thing is that his intention to kill the Department of Energy wasn’t a joke.
Anyway, one of the most notable ways Perry has tried to do disaster damage on this is by appearing on the Late Show with David Letterman show (last night). On The Late Show, Letterman had Perry read off his signature nightly Top 10 List. This one was titled: “Rick Perry’s Top Ten excuses.” Here’s the video:
Even better than the Top 10 List, however, was probably David Letterman’s jokes at the beginning of the show about Rick Perry’s “oops” night. Check it out:
As I said above, the sad thing is that Perry would think it makes any sense at all to shut down the Department of Energy. The Department of Energy is a critical governmental branch that is important to us not being left behind by the global community and global economy in a repaid transition to a clean energy world. Too bad Rick Perry hasn’t come to his senses on that matter. I guess some brain farts last longer than others.