Environmental Politics News of the Week

Some top politics stories of the past week or so. Mostly, things that make you go “Ugh…”

GOP attack on the air we breath, water we drink, climate we live in:

  1. The Most Anti-Environment House in History: How is Your Representative Voting? (110 Anti-Environment Votes from GOP Since January) [Climate Progress]
  2. Debt deal: While they were busy screwing the economy, GOP was also screwing the environment [Red, Green, & Blue]
  3. Huge Obama Win on Fuel Economy Under Investigation by Republicans [CleanTechnica]
  4. GOP Invokes Teddy Roosevelt While Pushing Bill That Destroys His Wilderness Legacy [Think Progress]
  5. GOP Congressman: If We Take The Senate And White House In 2012, The EPA Will Be ‘Discontinued’ [Think Progress]
  6. Republican’s Launch a Covert Assault on the Environment [Global Warming is Real]
  7. Gingrich Says 2006 Climate Change Ad He Starred In Was ‘Misconstrued’ [Huffington Post]
  8. House under-estimates public concern over oil pipeline spills with bill to rush Keystone XL tar sands pipeline [NRDC]

Obama & Democrats’ weakness and willingness to go along with them:

  1. Debt Be Not Proud: Lame Deal Cements Cement Shoes on Energy and Climate Investment for Foreseeable Future [Climate Progress]
  2. As Obama Lifts Meaningless ‘Cloud Of Uncertainty,’ Durbin Fights The Storms Of Climate Change [Think Progress]


  1. EIA Head Objected to Politically Dictated “Garbage” Subsidy Report, But Delivers it Anyway [Desmog blog]
  2. 7 Days Left to Speak Up for Strong Clean Air Regulations [Natural Papa]
  3. Transportation and Civil Rights [Planetizen]
  4. Huntsman: ‘Conservation Is Conservative’ [Think Progress]
  5. Coast Guard Testifies It’s Totally Unprepared for an Arctic Oil Spill: “We Have Zero to Operate With at Present.” [Climate Progress]
  6. House Votes To Save Endangered Species Act [Earthjustice]
  7. Big political winner for Dems – Clean energy [Red, Green, & Blue]
  8. California continues to kill millions of fish [Red, Green, & Blue]

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