Palin Responds to Defenders of Wildlife, Ignores Main Issue

We wrote this week about the Defenders of Wildlife’s new campaign (and TV spot) against Sarah Palin and her plan to legalize aerial hunting of wolves from helicopters. Palin’s PR team was quick to the punch and issued this strongly-worded (yet weak on facts) response:

It is reprehensible and hypocritical that the Defenders of Wildlife would use Alaska and my administration as a fundraising tool to deceive Americans into parting with their hard-earned money.

The ad campaign by this extreme fringe group, as Alaskans have witnessed over the last several years, distorts the facts about Alaska’s wildlife-management programs. Alaskans depend on wildlife for food and cultural practices which can’t be sustained when predators are allowed to decimate moose and caribou populations. Our predator control programs are scientific and successful at protecting vulnerable wildlife. These audacious fundraising attempts misrepresent what goes on in Alaska, and I encourage people to learn the facts about Alaska’s positive record of managing wildlife for abundance.

Shame on the Defenders of Wildlife for twisting the truth in an effort to raise funds from innocent and hard-pressed Americans struggling with these rough economic times.

See how she didn’t mention the pending legislation, which was the entire point of the advertisement? Another non-answer from the queen of avoiding questions.

Photo Credit: geerlingguy on Flickr under Creative Commons license.

3 thoughts on “Palin Responds to Defenders of Wildlife, Ignores Main Issue”

  1. Mo, have you never seen a cat play with a mouse? Ever watched a seal at the foot of a salmon ladder take one chomp out of salmon and throw the rest of the fish away? Ever seen an adult eagle going after baby ducklings? You’ve got an awfully idealistic view of how Mother Nature works. You prove that point that many so-called “defenders” of wildlife actually know very little about the natural world.

  2. Palin 2012??? Where is our respect for life and nature?, people like Palin and her “bright ideas” makes us humans look uncivilized. Animals only kills for self defense and she encourages other to do it for fun??? How about a man hunt with her name on the plate. How would she feel. It is just shameful that she even considered herself a “leader”.

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