Here are some of the top climate and environmental science stories of the week (other than what we’ve covered), starting with a funny video from The Onion on twitchy climate scientists. For more, the stories we’ve covered in depth, check out our Science category.
Nation’s Climatologists Exhibiting Strange Behavior (Season 1: Ep 5 on IFC)
Climate Change & Extreme Weather
- People Under 35 Have Never Seen Normal Global Temperatures [Think Progress]
- Record Warm Nighttime Temperatures: A Closer Look [Climate Central]
- CRUTEM3 data release (except Poland) [RealClimate]
- Pasture-Raised Cattle Better for the Environment Than CAFO Cattle [Eat Drink Better]
- OA not OK part 11: Did we do it? Yes we did! [Skeptical Science]
Climate “Skeptics” (er,.. Deniers)
- As Obama Lifts Meaningless ‘Cloud Of Uncertainty,’ Durbin Fights The Storms Of Climate Change [Think Progress]
- SkS Weekly Digest #9 [Skeptical Science]
- Monckton Myth #17: Debate vs. Denniss, Part 2 [Skeptical Science]
- Just Put the Model Down, Roy [Skeptical Science]
- NAS President Peter Wood: wrong, dishonest or hopelessly compromised? [Desmog blog]
- John Abraham: Open Discussion Yes. Flat Earth, No. [Climate Denial Crock of the Week]
Glacial Melting
- Ancient Glacial Melting Shows that Small Amount of Subsurface Warming Can Trigger Rapid Collapse of Ice Shelves [Climate Progress]
- Himalayan glaciers shrinking [Guardian]
Mountaintop Removal & Cancer
- Mountaintop Removal Mining Directly Linked To 60,000 Cancer Cases In Appalachia [Desmog blog]