One More Time, Does the Cold in the Northeast & Europe Disprove Global Warming? Heck No

I had a piece just last week on this topic, a more science-based piece explaining why it might make sense that the Northeast US and Europe are so much colder than the rest of the world right now.

I decided to continue on with that a little bit, but having more fun…

First of all, here’s what Peter Sinclair just wrote earlier today, the first part being in reference to the most recent graph from the Physical Science Division of NOAA’s Earth System Research Lab (the graph above) to get us rolling:

You are looking down at the north pole.  Note the temp scale, which is a scale of ANOMALIES, meaning, is it WARMER THAN or COLDER THAN the same day in an “average year”, defined as the average from 1968 to 1996.

It’s clear that, while the eastern US and parts of Eurasia are cold, the Arctic continues warm. The anomalies are not as strong as a week ago, but still unmistakeable….

The pattern is like having the refrigerator door open, cold air pours out of the arctic,  and the fridge warms as milder air is drawn in.

As a good micro-scale experiment, go turn your heat up 5 degrees. About 10 seconds later, go open your refrigerator door. Notice that the area of your kitchen just next to the refrigerator door is getting colder, not warmer. But you turned the heat up and the whole house or apartment should definitely be heating up! How strange, eh? Could you explain to someone why this is happening if they were confused? I hope so. Would a global warming denier someone unable to make simple cause-and-effect connections who is standing in front of the fridge still be confused or outright deny that the house/apartment is heating up? Probably.

Next, here’s a great video that I shared last year at this time. Replace 2nd-hottest year on record with hottest year on record this year. Enjoy Rachel Maddow and Bill Nye here:

Also, as a clear note, global warming means more water evaporates and more precipitation occurs (in the summer and winter). In the winter, that means more snow.

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