Our National Fish and Wildlife Foundation needs donations for Gulf of Mexico sea turtles.
NFWF’s mission is to actively save our natural environment. NFWF plans to sustain, restore, and enhance the nation’s fish, wildlife, plants, and habitats now more than ever. For a quarter of a century NFWF has brought true collaboration among federal agencies, private funders and local stakeholders with extraordinary results as they:
“have awarded 10,800 grants to more than 3,700 organizations, leveraging $490 million of federal funds into $1.6 billion for critical on-the-ground conservation. Our efforts to address the short and long term damages from the oil spill will be critical to ensuring healthy populations of species we know will be affected.”
Now is the time to save our ocean friends and actively join our nation’s federal partners and wildlife rescue heros.
Help save the sea turtles in the Gulf please. The National Fish and Wildlife Foundation’s on-the ground grantees are here to save wildlife and habitats on which they depend through our Gulf Response Fund.